You are in charge of your schedule
Take off and landing times, unlike any commercial flight, can be rescheduled at short notice to suit unexpected longer meetings or accommodate possible changes of plan. Flexibility for passengers is maximal, and it’s not uncommon to reroute to an alternative destination than initially requested.
You can increase your productivity by 150%
Business Aviation drives an increase of about 150% in productive working time thanks to the absence of layovers in-between airports, which prevents employees from having to work intermittently. Private jets also recreate the perfect conditions for silence and concentration when this is needed.
You sign up to an excellent service
The private jet company becomes fully available for you from the moment you book your private jet flight online until you reach the destination.
You travel safe and sound
By nature, private jets favour privacy and confidentiality. A quiet place on board of a private jet can encourage concentration and the discussion of confidential matters when travelling as a team.
You have more time for you and your family
Business Aviation can save up to 2 hours of travel time on each trip, giving you the chance to travel faster and help achieve a healthier work-life balance. You have more time for yourself and can successfully invest in the preparation of your next meeting as well as having more time to spend with your loved ones.